Veleposlanik Branko Rakovec je predal poverilna pisma predsedniku Ruske federacije Vladimirju Vladimiroviču Putinu 11. oktobra 2018 (7:10')
Branko Rakovec je svojo pot kariernega diplomata začel v Republiškem komiteju za mednarodne odnose Socialistične Republike Slovenije leta 1988. Pred prevzemom vodenja veleposlaništva v Moskvi je bil koordinator za Vzhodno partnerstvo na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve (2016–2018). Med leti 2012 in 2016 je služboval kot veleposlanik Republike Slovenije v Makedoniji. Pred tem je vodil Sektor za Vzhodno Evropo in Srednjo Azijo ter Službo za verifikacijo in usmerjanje. Služboval je še v Podgorici (2003–2007), Moskvi (1996–2000) in Bonnu (1992–1996).
Veleposlanik Branko Rakovec je diplomiral iz političnih ved (mednarodna usmeritev) na Fakulteti za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo Univerze v Ljubljani. Opravil je tudi diplomatski strokovni izpit v Zveznem sekretariatu za zunanje zadeve SFRJ. Govori angleško, nemško, rusko, makedonsko, hrvaško in srbsko.
Poročen je z Vesno Rakovec, s katero imata eno hčerko.
Vladimir Putin received letters of credence from foreign ambassadors in the Alexander Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Kremlin, at the ceremony to present letters of credence. You have the honourable and important mission of promoting relations between your states and Russia, encouraging political dialogue and expanding economic and humanitarian ties.
Today we need diplomacy to play an active and constructive role, to use the power of words, negotiations and compromise to make a tangible contribution to overcoming the current difficulties in international affairs and searching for responses to new challenges and threats.
Russia is dedicated to a peaceful policy and progressively carries out a responsible course in foreign policy. As a permanent member of the Security Council, Russia defends the basic principles stipulated in the UN Charter: sovereignty and equality of states and non-interference in their domestic affairs. We stand against using politically motivated protectionism measures and sidestepping the norms of international law.
Russia’s active participation in global affairs and openness to mutually beneficial partnerships with all countries and regions are motivated by our main national interest: to create the most favourable conditions possible for Russia to develop dynamically, to achieve ambitious social and economic goals and improve our citizens’ quality of life.
Russians want to live in peace; they want Russia to be a strong and independent state. We try to do everything necessary to strengthen global stability and to build a system of equal and indivisible security.
Our top priorities include an uncompromising fight against international terrorism. Russia’s actions to settle acute regional crises, including the Syrian crisis, are based on such principal approaches. With our decisive role, it has been possible to deal a devastating blow to international terrorism and preserve the statehood of Syria.
Based on the results of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi and Resolution 2254 of the UN Security Council, the groundwork was laid for boosting peace talks. Together with our partners in the Astana format, we are actively working on forming an intra-Syrian constitutional committee.
The agenda includes the reconstruction of the destroyed economy and infrastructure, and helping millions of refugees return home, which would ease the migration burden on many European countries. We hope that assistance to Syrians in solving these problems will be a common objective for the global community. Humanitarian issues will be an important area of cooperation for all interested states.
Today, heads of 23 diplomatic missions are present here. By tradition, I would like to say a few words about our relations with each of these countries.
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Slovenia is a partner with whom we maintain versatile cooperation. We are ready to work with the new government that was formed in September with a view to further promoting our cooperation. We are grateful to you for tending to the graves of our soldiers, who perished in Slovenia during World War I and World War II.
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Friends, colleagues, Russia attaches great importance to relations with each of the states you represent. We are sincerely interested in making your activities as productive as possible. Rest assured that all initiatives you propose will be supported by the Russian leadership, executive bodies, businesses and society.
I wish you success and thank you for your attention.
Thank you very much.