Ljubljana, 07 June (STA) - Slovenian employers are optimistic regarding employment prospects in the next six months, shows a survey of carried out by the Statistics Office. They have announced 3% job growth or around 19,400 new jobs, with the most promising trends recorded in the construction sector.
At the time of the survey, the surveyed employers had a total headcount of around 644,600 people, while projecting that the figure will stand at 664,000 in six months.
Employers will be looking mostly for workers for simple jobs in manufacturing, drivers of heavy cargo vehicles and trailers, shop assistants, welders and construction workers, the Statistics Office said on Thursday.
The surveyed employers think that they will need a total of 31,200 new workers in the next six months, a part of them as replacements. A total of 19,400 new jobs are expected to be opened.
The biggest growth is projected by employers from the construction sector (10.4%), followed by real estate brokerage (6.5%).
The survey also points to structural imbalances on the labour market, with almost half of the employers (45.7%) facing shortage of adequate labour force in the last six months. The share among large companies was 68.8%.
The biggest share of employers which have difficulties in finding adequate workforce come from the hospitality sector, construction, healthcare and social security.
The semi-annual survey was carried out among 2,881 employers with ten or more employees in April and May.